Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hello Everybody! It's Been Awhile

It has been several months, but we have had many new babies.  They have really kept me busy.  I raise them up and teach them all the good manners they need in life.  How to step up and give kisses, etc.  Then they go to their new homes.  It is sad in a way, because I miss them so much.  I spend so much of my time with them (just like kids growing up), and then they move out on their own.  I wish that I could keep them all here with me.  But it is still a happy time to see the love in their new family's eyes when they come to get them.  I had one baby Sun Conure that went to a family whose daughter is special ( I do not like to use the word disability!).  They drove a good distance just to pick out which baby they wanted and put a deposit on it.  We talked back and forth as the baby grew and I sent pictures.  The young lady could not believe that the baby was really going to be her's.  When her parents picked up Gabby (That was what they named the baby),  I could just see thee love and joy.  We receive emails occassionally from Gabby's new Mom and Dad and they just make my heart so happy.   I get a lot of emails like that, some include pictures.  I like to think of them as my extended family.  Boy, do I have a big family!   I put the pictures in a photo album, both online and in a hardback version here in my living room.

We have had alot of other birds as well, lovebirds, cockatiels and parrotlets.  I had bunches of lovebirds flying around my head while I was feeding.  They always stay right near me.  Now the Tiels are a different story, we had one land in the tub this morning!  (It's time for a wing clipping!)   We have three beautiful babies right now, a lutino, a pied and a pearl.  They are all spoken for I believe. 

We also have more baby Sun Conures in the nest.  Lil' Bit and Miss Kitty have three babies and Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler have started hatching again.  Plus more lovies are hatching.  I am fixing to have my hands full again.

Of course, we always have David's beautiful Doves.  At least I don't have to hand-feed them!

Well, that's all for now.  More next time!
The Birdlady